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By Peterparker on September 12, 2022

Why Spider Veins Appear And How do Vein Specialists Treat Them?

Treating Spider veins options can vary from self-care to minor surgery.

What is a vein specialist called?”A phlebologist or a vein specialist diagnoses and treats a patient with specific conditions like vein diseases like spider veins and varicose veins. A specialist may use one or more treatments to cure vein disease.

Your vein specialist will give you tips for improving your circulation. There are many tips like ExerciseExercise daily, elevate your legs, dont sit or stand for too long, take a break for 30 minutes, and avoid soaking in hot baths for a long time.


Still coming up with the question, “Do spider veins come back after laser treatment?”

Maintaining a healthy life can lower the risk of arising them again, and self-care tips can help prevent vein diseases like varicose and spider veins.

How Compression stockings can benefit you:

Wearing compression stockings can apply controllable constant pressure to keep the blood moving back to your heart and forming blood clots. The continuous pressure helps lessen the swelling in your lower legs and lowers the risk of obtaining a blood clot.

If your specialist advises you on compression stockings, the specialist will examine you first to get the proper size and correct amount of pressure. Your vein specialist will place a compression stocking on each leg, and your doctor will observe for a time and then be able to go home.

To avoid side effects, you must wear the stockings daily, take daily walks, and wear compression stockings as your specialist advises. You can wear compression stockings for 2 to 3 weeks and return to your daily work and most activities the next day. Spider veins usually vanish in 3 to 6 weeks, and Varicose veins take 3 to 4 months.


You need to take 2 or 3 treatments to get the best results. A vein specialist can accomplish these treatments during an office visit, and no anesthesia is required.

Factors that develop the risk of spider veins include:

  1. Gaining extra weight or having excess weight can pressure the veins and cause them to develop into spider veins.
  2. Age can also be a factor that can cause spider veins, but they don’t exist only in older people. This is because vein valves have more significant wear and tear over time, making it more difficult for blood to flow appropriately, resulting in blood pooling.
  3. Pregnancy can be a reason as the mother support a baby during pregnancy carrying it for 9 months. This can put a lot of weight on the legs and cause vein disease.
  4. Genetic changes increase the spread of spider veins if others in the family suffer from them.

Sedentary lifestyle. Sitting or standing for extended periods limits blood flow, which can pool blood.

Gender. Due to hormonal changes women often experience during pregnancy and menopause, spider veins are more likely to occur in women.

Some spider vein risk factors cannot be avoided, but there are ways you can reduce the risk:

  1. Regular ExerciseExercise and movement can help to promote a healthy blood flow. Just walking for a few hours can improve your vein health.
  2. With a healthy diet and eating healthy food full of fiber and low in salt, processed foods, and sugar, vein health can improve.
  3. Avoid too long sitting and standing, by switching up positions often or taking a quick walk can lower the risk of spider veins.


Taking good care of your health and regular Exercise can help you benefit from spider veins. Your specialist will recommend you the best to cure it.