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By Joseph on April 12, 2023

Why Does Varicose Vein Occur?

Vein disease can occur in anyone. The underlying cause of vein problems is venous reflux, when blood in the vein starts flowing backward and away from the heart, which causes blood accumulation in the veins (blood pooling).

The symptoms of this problem are often referred to as a chronic venous deficiency. Chronic venous disease describes insufficient blood flow through the veins. Treating the vein diocese when you first see any signs of disease is essential as the problem of veins is progressive, and the symptoms will worsen if not properly treated.

Vein problems are widely common. People either have a spider, varicose, or both. You can consult with a vein specialist about the treatment options. Also, question are varicose veins covered by insurance? It may help you reduce the cost of your varicose veins treatment.

How does vein disease occur?

Blood is transported away from the heart by arteries and back towards it by veins in the human circulation system, this is how the system works, but when the blood starts to pool in the veins, the veins cannot supply the blood to the heart. Because arterial circulation depends on extreme pressure pushing blood through arteries, it is a high-pressure system. On the other hand, venous circulation relies on the contraction of nearby muscles to squeeze the vein (like a tube of toothpaste) and force blood through the arteries because it is a low-pressure system.

One-way valves in healthy veins open to let blood flow toward the heart and shut to stop flow in the other direction. Blood in the legs’ veins must flow upward when a person is upright against the force of gravity. But in many people with vein disease, this does not happen and pools blood forming varicose veins. These blood clots can damage vein valves and cause many other health issues.

When the blood accumulates in the veins, the veins seem to appear bulgy and twisted. These veins may appear unattractive and can be cosmetic issues for many people but for many. It can be a severe problem. Symptoms of varicose veins can be skin darkening, itchiness, pain, discoloration, and swelling throughout the leg.

How much does varicose vein treatment cost? The cost may vary depending on the doctor’s location, the type of treatment needed, and the number of veins to be stripped or stopped.

Who are at risk of vein disease?

The following aspects may make you more exposed to vein problems.


Compared to men, women are more prone to have varicose veins than men.

Family History:

It can occur due to vein problems in your family.


If you are aged, you may have the risk of vein problems.

​Lifestyle or Occupation:

Standing or sitting for a long time may increase your risk of vein troubles.

Smoking habits:

Smoking can cause harmful changes in blood vessels and composition, often leading to vein disease.


Obesity is why many people have vein disease. Added pressure on your leg veins can increase your risk of vein problems.


Vein problems may develop during pregnancy but not always occur.

In Conclusion:

Varicose veins can cause many health issues, so it is better to treat them; if left untreated, varicose veins may worsen and cause the formation. Over time, the deep veins may also be affected by vein problems, causing blood to pool in the veins of the leg. Consult with your doctor immediately and ask for treatment options.